Founded in 1832, the Gallery is the oldest university art museum in America. Today, it is a center for teaching, learning, and scholarship and is a preeminent cultural asset for Yale University, the wider academic community, and the public. The museum is open to all, free of charge, and is committed to engaging audiences through thoughtful, creative, and relevant exhibitions, programs, and publications.
The publications program at the Gallery plays a vital role in the museum’s mission to encourage appreciation and understanding of art. The Gallery’s exhibition catalogues, Bulletin, and monographic titles serve a wide variety of audiences, from casual museum-goers to scholars.
Launched in 2023, Italian Paintings in the Yale University Art Gallery is the museum’s first born-digital publication. For the best experience, the catalogue should be viewed in the most recent versions of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. If you are experiencing issues with images not appearing as expected, try clearing your cookies or opening the URL in an incognito window.
For more information on the Gallery’s publishing program, contact Tiffany Sprague, Director of Publications and Editorial Services, at
Publication made possible by Darcy F. and John Treacy Beyer, B.A. 1965, and Nina M. Griggs
Project editor: Tiffany Sprague
Digital project manager: Zsofia Jilling
Proofreader: Julia Oswald
Rights and reproductions: Kathleen Mylen-Coulombe
Project advisors:
Greg Albers, Digital Publications Manager, J. Paul Getty
Erin Cecele Dunigan, Quire Community Manager, J. Paul Getty
This publication was created using Quire, a multiformat publishing tool owned by the J. Paul Getty Trust.
Landing page image: Detail of Master of the Yale Dossal, Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Leonard and Peter and Scenes from the Life of Saint Peter
Published by the
Yale University Art Gallery
P.O. Box 208271
New Haven, CT 06520-8271
Copyright © 2022 Yale University
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