Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library
Fig. 4: From: Richard Offner, A Discerning Eye: Essays on Early Italian Painting, ed. Andrew Ladis (University Park, Penn.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998), 36, fig. 1
Florentine School, The Crucifixion, One of Three Panels from a Tabernacle Wing
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: By permission of the Ministry of Culture
Fig. 4: Boskovits, Miklós, with Ada Labriola and Angelo Tartuferi. A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting: The Fourteenth Century. Sec. 1, vol. 1, The Origins of Florentine Painting, 1100–1270. Trans. Robert Erich Wolf. Florence: Giunti, 1993., pl. XXVI
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Florentine School, The Deposition, One of Three Panels from a Tabernacle Wing
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Florentine School, The Lamentation, One of Three Panels from a Tabernacle Wing
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Master of the Yale Dossal, Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Leonard and Peter and Scenes from the Life of Saint Peter
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Alinari Archives, Florence
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Fig. 5: Photo © President and Fellows of Harvard College
Fig. 6: From: Zeri, Federico, and Andrea G. De Marchi. Dipinti: La Spezia, Museo civico Amedeo Lia. Cataloghi del Museo Civico Amadeo Lia 3. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 1997., 205, pls. 87–88
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy Luisa Ricciarini/Bridgeman Images
Follower of Meliore, Triptych
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
Fig. 6: From: Zeri, Federico, and Andrea G. De Marchi. Dipinti: La Spezia, Museo civico Amedeo Lia. Cataloghi del Museo Civico Amadeo Lia 3. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 1997., 205, pls. 87–88
Master of Varlungo, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: From: Tartuferi, Angelo, and Mario Scalini, eds. L’arte a Firenze nell’età di Dante (1250–1300). Exh. cat. Florence: Giunti, 2004., 118, no. 19
Lippo di Benivieni, Virgin and Child with Saints James, John the Baptist, Peter, and Francis
Fig. 1: From: Offner, Richard. A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting: The Fourteenth Century. Sec. 3, vol. 9, The Painters of the Miniaturist Tendency. Ed. Miklós Boskovits. Florence: Giunti, 1984., pl. 42.
Fig. 2: The Alana Collection, Delaware, USA
Master of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: From: Sciacca, Christine, ed. Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance: Painting and Illumination, 1300–1350. Exh. cat. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2012., 389. Photo: Nicolò Orsi Battaglinii/IKONA
Jacopo del Casentino, The Coronation of the Virgin
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy Kunstmuseum Bern. @kunstmuseumbern
Fig. 6: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Jacopo del Casentino, Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Bernardo Daddi, Vision of Saint Dominic
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Raczyński Foundation at the National Museum in Poznań
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy © MAD, Paris/Jean Tholance
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy bpk Bildagentur/Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Photo: Jörg P. Anders/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 6: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy Vidimages/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 8: Photo courtesy © Artcurial
Workshop of Bernardo Daddi, Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Minneapolis Institute of Art
Fig. 3 ART Collection/Alamy Stock Photo
Nardo di Cione, Saint John the Evangelist
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: From: Offner, Richard, and Klara Steinweg. A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting. Sec. 4, vol. 4, Giovanni del Biondo, pt. 2. New York: Locust Valley, 1969., 28, pl. 4
Fig. 3: From: Richard Offner and Klara Steinweg, A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting, sec. 4, vol. 5, Giovanni del Biondo, part 2 (New York: Locust Valley, 1969), 42, pl. 9
Fig. 4: From: Offner, Richard, and Klara Steinweg. A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting. Sec. 4, vol. 4, Giovanni del Biondo, pt. 2. New York: Locust Valley, 1969., 190, pl. 44
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 6: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy Minneapolis Institute of Art
Andrea di Cione (called Orcagna), Saint John the Baptist
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Nardo di Cione, Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Taddeo Gaddi, Virgin and Child Enthroned
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Frick Art Reference Library, New York
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Peter Horree/Alamy Stock Photo
Taddeo Gaddi, The Entombment of Christ
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: © The National Gallery, London
Fig. 4: © Ghigo G. Roli/Art Resource, N.Y.
Niccolò di Tommaso, Saint Bridget’s Vision of the Nativity
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy the John G. Johnson Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art, cat. 120
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 3: Photo © Governorate scv - museum management
Fig. 4: Photo © Governorate scv - museum management
Matteo di Pacino, The Nativity and the Resurrection of Christ
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Photo: Christoph Schmidt; Public Domain Mark 1.0
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Photo: Christoph Schmidt; Public Domain Mark 1.0
Florentine School(?), ca. 1360–70, The Crucifixion
Fig. 1: From: Stefan Weppelman, Geschichten auf Gold: Bilderzählungen in der frühen italienischen Malerei, exh. cat. (Berlin: Dumont, 2005), 197, no. 12
Fig. 2: From: Gold Backs, 1250–1480. Exh. cat. London: Matthiesen Fine Art, 1996., 58, no. 5. Proprietá della Fondazione Pisa/Palazzo Blu—Property of the Pisa Foundation/Palazzo Blu
Giovanni del Biondo, Christ and the Virgin Enthroned with Angels; Allegories of the New (Ecclesia) and Old (Synagoga) Dispensation
Fig. 3: ART Collection/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 4: ART Collection/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 4: © Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, USA/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 5: © Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, USA/Bridgeman Images
Attributed to Giovanni del Biondo, Scene from the Legend of Saint John Gualbert
Fig. 1: By permission of the Ministry of Culture. Opificio delle Pietre Dure Archive, Restoration and Photographic Fund, Section Photo Library, GR5756_01_LV_01_OTT2006_CPR
Fig. 2: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni, The Adoration of the Magi, One of Three Fragments from a Folding Triptych
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy Zvonimir Atletić/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 5: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 6: Creative Commons License Attribution 2.5
Fig. 7: By permission of the Minister of Culture
Master of the Misericordia(?), Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Nicholas, Margaret of Antioch(?), Dorothy, and John the Baptist; The Crucifixion
Fig. 1: From: Chiodo, Sonia. A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting. Sec. 4, vol. 9, Painters in Florence after the “Black Death”: The Master of the Misericordia and Matteo di Pacino. Ed. Miklós Boskovits. Florence: Giunti, 2011., 309, pl. 52
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2022
Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, The Annunciation
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Zuri Swimmer/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Panther Media GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo
Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, The Coronation of the Virgin with Saint Anthony Abbot, Saint James the Greater, and Four Angels
Fig. 2: © The National Gallery, London
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 4: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, Madonna of Humility, One of Three Panels from a Triptych
Fig. 1: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig. 2: Bridgeman Images
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Kunstmuseum Bern. @kunstmuseumbern
Fig. 4: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig: 5: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Agnolo Gaddi or Lorenzo Monaco, Saints Julian, James, and Michael
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: By permission of the Ministry of Culture. From: Gronau, Hans D. “A Dispersed Florentine Altarpiece and Its Possible Origin.” Proporzioni 3 (1950): 41–47., pl. 23/fig. 1
Fig. 4: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington
Lorenzo Monaco, Portrait of Bernardo di Cino Bartolini Benvenuti de’ Nobili and Four of His Sons: Bartolomeo, Carlo, Benedetto, and Alamanno
Fig. 1: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Tony Querrec
Fig. 2: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot
Fig. 3: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot
Fig. 4: © The National Gallery, London
Fig. 5: The Alana Collection, Delaware, USA
Fig. 6: The Alana Collection, Delaware, USA
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy bpk Bildagentur/Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin/Photo: Jörg P. Anders/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 8: Christie’s Images, London/Scala
Fig. 9: Courtesy of Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields
Fig. 10: Photo courtesy bpk Bildagentur/Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin/Photo: Volker-H. Schneider/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 11: From: Gordon, Dillian. “The Nobili Altarpiece from S. Maria degli Angeli, Florence.” Burlington Magazine 162, no. 1402 (January 2020): 14–25., 15
Lorenzo Monaco, The Crucifixion
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 4: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Probably Florentine School, ca. 1400, The Crucifixion with the Penitent Magdalen and Saints
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Lorenzo Ghiberti, The Stigmatization of Saint Francis
Fig. 1: Photo: Adélaïde Beaudoin. © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 2: Photo: Adélaïde Beaudoin. © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 3: Wawel Royal Castle, phot. Mariusz Mikolajczyk, 3D, Pawel Klak
Fig. 4: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio
Fig. 5: Photo by Leemage/Corbis via Getty Images
Fig. 6: Photo by Index/Heritage Images via Getty Images
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Mariotto di Nardo, Scenes from the Legend of Saints Cosmas and Damian
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Luisa Ricciarini/Bridgeman Images
Lippo d’Andrea, Two Scenes from the Legend of Saint Michael
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo:,_s.michele,_1420,_da_s.domenico,_02.JPG
Fig. 3: Courtesy Sotheby’s, New York
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy © Musée des Beaux-Arts/photo François Jay
Lippo d’Andrea, Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Albert of Trapani and Peter and Saints Paul and Anthony Abbot; The Annunciation
Fig. 2: From: Ciardi, Roberto Paolo, Belinda Bitossi, Marco Campigli, and David Parri. Visibile pregare: Arte sacra nella diocesi di San Miniato. Vol. 3. Ospedaletto, Pisa: Pacini, 2013., 3:87
Fig. 3: Photo: Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz—Max-Planck-Institut, Photographer: Roberto Sigismondi
Fig. 4: Photo: Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz—Max-Planck-Institut, Photographer: Roberto Sigismondi
Florentine School(?), ca. 1410, Desco da Parto
Fig. 1: © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Florentine School, The Story of Rinaldo da Montalbano, or the Four Sons of Aymon
Fig. 1: Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine
Fig. 2: Federico Zeri Foundation Photo Archive
Florentine School, ca. 1420–25, The Agony in the Garden
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Fig. 3: Smithsonian American Art Museum
Fig. 4: Berenson Library, Villa I Tatti, Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Settignano
Fig. 5: Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi
Fig. 6: Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi—Foto Roberto Palermo
Bicci di Lorenzo, The Crucifixion with Saints and the Penitent Magdalen
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig. 3: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig. 4: From: Torriti, Piero. La Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena. Vol. 1, I dipinti dal XII al XV secolo. Genoa: Sagep, 1977., fig. 494
Rossello di Jacopo Franchi, Pilaster Fragment with Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Fig. 2: © Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, Perugia, Italy/Bridgeman Images
Rossello di Jacopo Franchi, Virgin and Child in Glory with Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter, and Two Angels
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 4: Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi
Fig. 5: © Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2023
“Pseudo-Dietisalvi di Speme,” Crucifixion with the Penitent Magdalen
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Attributed to Ugolino di Nerio, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Saints
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo © 2024 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Fig. 3: From: Bagnoli, Alessandro, Roberto Bartalini, and Max Seidel, eds. Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Exh. cat. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 2017., 157
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 5: From: Luciano Cateni, “Pittori ducceschi di seconda generazione,” in Bagnoli, Alessandro, Roberto Bartalini, Luciano Bellosi, and Michel Laclotte, eds. Duccio: Alle origini della pittura senese. Exh. cat. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 2003., 199, no. 30
Master of Città di Castello, Saint John the Baptist
Fig. 1: Wawel Royal Castle, photo: Mariusz Mikolajczyk, 3D, Pawel Klak
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy RealyEasyStar/Claudio Pagliarani/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 3: Staatliche Museen für Kunst, National Gallery of Denmark. Photographer: SMK Photo/Jacob Schou-Hansen
Fig. 4: From: Bellosi, Luciano, ed. La collezione Salini: Dipinti, sculture e oreficerie dei secoli XII, XIII, XIV e XV. Vol. 1, Pittura. Florence: Centro Di, 2009., 71
Master of the Gondi Maestà (Goodhart Ducciesque Master), Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: From: De Nicola, Giacomo. “Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School in the Mostra di Duccio at Siena.” Burlington Magazine 22, no. 117 (December 1912): 138–39, 142–43, 145–47., pl. 2/fig. D
Fig. 2: From: Luciano Cateni, “Pittori ducceschi di seconda generazione,” in Bagnoli, Alessandro, Roberto Bartalini, Luciano Bellosi, and Michel Laclotte, eds. Duccio: Alle origini della pittura senese. Exh. cat. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 2003., 319
Fig. 3: From: Angelelli, Walter, and Andrea G. De Marchi. Pittura dal duecento al primo cinquecento nelle fotografie di Girolamo Bombelli. Milan: Electa, 1991., 255, no. 538
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 5: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Fig. 6: From: Isabella Droandi, “Pittori ‘Forestieri’ ad Arezzo,” in Arte in terra d’Arezzo: Il trecento, ed. Aldo Galli and Paola Refice (Florence: Edifir, 2005), 46, no. 40
Fig. 7: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Lippo Memmi, Saint John the Evangelist
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 3: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot
Fig. 4: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 5: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Fig. 6: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Fig. 7: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 8: © Museo Poldi Pezzoli
Fig. 9: Frick Art & Historical Center, Pittsburgh
Fig. 10: Courtesy of the RISD Museum, Providence, R.I.
Fig. 11: From: Bellosi, Luciano, ed. La collezione Salini: Dipinti, sculture e oreficerie dei secoli XII, XIII, XIV e XV. Vol. 1, Pittura. Florence: Centro Di, 2009., 145
Fig. 12: Photo courtesy Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Photo: Jörg P. Anders; Public Domain Mark 1.0
Fig. 13: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Fig. 15: © Lindenau-Museum Altenberg/Photo: Bertram Kober/Punctum; CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Fig. 16: Digital image courtesy of Getty’s Open Content Program
Lippo Memmi, Saint John the Evangelist
Fig. 1: © The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Thomas R. DuBrock
Fig. 2: © Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, USA/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Photo: Jörg P. Anders; Public Domain Mark 1.0
Fig. 4: © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
Fig. 5: Photo © 2023 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Pietro Lorenzetti, Saints Andrew and James the Greater, and a Prophet
Fig. 1: From: Frugoni, Chiara, ed. Pietro e Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Florence: Le Lettere, 2002., 64
Fig. 2: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Ambrogio Lorenzetti, The Charity of Saint Martin
Fig. 1: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 2: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Fig. 3: Photo © President and Fellows of Harvard College
Fig. 4: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
Fig. 5: The Alana Collection, Delaware, USA
Bartolomeo Bulgarini, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: By permission of Ministry of Culture—Regional Directorate of Museums of Tuscany—Florence
Fig. 6: rita guglielmi/Alamy Stock Photo
Luca di Tommè, Predella: Saint Francis, the Mourning Virgin Mary, Christ on the Cross, the Mourning Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Dominic
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Svintage Archive/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 3: The Alana Collection, Delaware, USA
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Fig. 5: Photo courtesy Svintage Archive/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 6: Photo courtesy © Firenze, Fondazione di Studi di Storia dell’Arte Roberto Longhi
Fig. 7: Photo courtesy North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh
Fig. 8: Federico Zeri Foundation Photo Archive
Luca di Tommè, The Assumption of the Virgin
Fig. 1: ART Collection 2/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Luca di Tommè, Virgin and Child with a Goldfinch
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy the Rector and Scholars of Exeter College, Oxford
Fig. 4: Photo courtesy the Rector and Scholars of Exeter College, Oxford
Master of Panzano (with Luca di Tommè?), Virgin and Child with Saints Ansanus and Victor
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Moretti Fine Art
Fig. 3: Photo:
Bartolo di Fredi, Virgin Annunciate
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Museo Civico, Lucignano
Taddeo di Bartolo, Saint John the Baptist, One of Two Panels from a Dismembered Altarpiece
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Taddeo di Bartolo, Saint Jerome, One of Two Panels from a Dismembered Altarpiece
Fig. 2: Photo © Josse/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 3: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: René-Gabriel Ojéda
Fig. 4: Tibbut Archive/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 5: From: Freuler, Gaudenz. Bartolo di Fredi Cini: Ein Beitrag zur sienesischen Malerei des 14. Jahrhunderts. Disentis, Switzerland: Desertina, 1994., 249, fig. 228
Taddeo di Bartolo, The Blessing Redeemer
Fig. 1: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig. 2: From: Solberg, Gail E. Taddeo di Bartolo. Exh. cat. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 2020., 286
Fig. 3: From: Solberg, Gail E. Taddeo di Bartolo. Exh. cat. Cinisello Balsamo, Milan: Silvana, 2020., 287
Fig. 4: © Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria/Bridgeman Images
Martino di Bartolomeo, The Lamentation over the Dead Christ
Fig. 2: © The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Martino di Bartolomeo, The Blessing Redeemer
Fig. 1: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 2: Photo Roberto Testi © Comune di Siena
Fig. 3: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Benedetto di Bindo(?), Bust of a Deacon Saint
Fig. 1: Opera della Metropolitana Aut. N. 281/2024
Giuntesque Painter, Saint Mary Magdalen
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: By permission of the Minister of Culture—National Picture Gallery of Siena
Fig. 3: Jimlop collection/Alamy Stock Photo
Master of Saints Flora and Lucilla, Saint Lucilla, One of Two Panels from an Altarpiece
Fig. 1: Musei Civici Fiorentini
Fig. 2: © Archivio fotografico del Sacro Convento di S. Francesco in Assisi, Italia
Fig. 3: © Archivio fotografico del Sacro Convento di S. Francesco in Assisi, Italia
Fig. 4: © Archivio fotografico del Sacro Convento di S. Francesco in Assisi, Italia
Fig. 5: © Alinari Archive/Photo: Fratelli Alinari/Art Resource, N.Y.
Pisan or Ligurian(?), Saint Nicholas of Bari; Saint Anthony of Padua, One of Two Panels from an Altarpiece
Fig. 1: From: Robert Paolo Ciardi, Il polittico di Agnano: Cecco di Pietro e la pittura pisana del’300 (Pisa: Pacini, 1986), 119
Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani, Saint Lucy Enthroned with Six Angels
Fig. 2: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 3: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 4: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 5: Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 6: The Alana Collection, Delaware, USA
Giuliano di Simone, Two Deacon Saints
Fig. 1: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig. 2: Mario Bonotto/Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Elemosina di Forte and Marino di Elemosina, Double-Sided Processional Cross
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 3: Museo Civico Palazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio
Fig. 4: Courtesy Biblioteca Augusta, Perugia
Fig. 5: Courtesy Biblioteca Augusta, Perugia
Fig. 6: © Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice
Paolo Veneziano, Saint John the Baptist, One of Two Panels from a Dismembered Altarpiece
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 5: Alinari Archives, Florence
Fig. 6: © Ghigo G. Roli/Art Resource, N.Y.
Follower of Pietro da Rimini, Portable Triptych with Scenes from the Lives of Christ and Saint John the Baptist
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy RealyEasyStar/Claudio Pagliarani/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 4: Courtesy Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami
Giovanni Baronzio, The Coronation of the Virgin
Fig. 1: Photo © Electa/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 2: Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Pseudo-Dalmasio, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive
Fig. 3: Photo courtesy Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 4: Courtesy Seattle Art Museum / photo: Susan Dirk
Simone di Filippo (Simone dei Crocifissi), The Crucifixion; The Coronation of the Virgin; Christ between the Twelve Apostles
Fig. 1: Federico Zeri Foundation Photo Archive
Fig. 2: Mario Bonotto/Scala
Fig. 3: © Marage Photos/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 4: © Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
Barnaba da Modena, Mourning Virgin
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fra Angelico, Predella: Two Scenes from the Legend of Saint Michael
Fig. 1: By permission of the Ministry of Culture. From: Gronau, Hans D. “A Dispersed Florentine Altarpiece and Its Possible Origin.” Proporzioni 3 (1950): 41–47.: pl. 23/fig. 1
Fig. 2: © Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi
Fig. 3: MS Typ 1001, Houghton Library, Harvard University
Fig. 4: From: Chiostrini, Alice, and Maria Maugeri, eds. Una sguardo sul Maestro della Madonna Straus: A margine del restauro del Polittico di Citille. Exh. cat. Florence: Polistampa, 2023., 79, no. 5
Fra Angelico, The Annunciation
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 6: Städel Musuem, Frankfurt
Fra Angelico, The Vision of Pope Innocent III; Saints Peter and Paul Appearing to Saint Dominic
Fig. 1: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot/Hervé Lewandowski
Fig. 2: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot/Hervé Lewandowski
Fig. 3: Scala/Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 4: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot/Hervé Lewandowski
Fig. 5: Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 7: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot/Hervé Lewandowski
Fig. 8: Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 9: Photo: bpk Bildagentur/Staatsgalerie/Stuttgart/Germany
Zanobi di Benedetto di Carroccio degli Strozzi, Saints Zenobius, Francis, and Anthony of Padua
Fig. 1: The Hyde Collection Trust
Fig. 2: Photograph © The State Hermitage Museum/photo: Pavel Demidov, Leonard Kheifets, Yuri Molodkovets, Vladimir Terebenin
Fig. 4: © The National Gallery, London
Fig. 5: By permission of the Ministry of Culture, Regional Directorate of Tuscany Museums, and the Museo di San Marco
Zanobi di Migliore(?), Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: © Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi
Fig. 3: © NPL—DeA Picture Library/G. Nimatallah/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 4: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Tony Querrec
Fig. 6: Photograph © The State Hermitage Museum/photo: Pavel Demidov, Leonard Kheifets, Yuri Molodkovets, Vladimir Terebenin
Fig. 7: Photograph © The State Hermitage Museum/photo: Pavel Demidov, Leonard Kheifets, Yuri Molodkovets, Vladimir Terebenin
Fig. 8: Federico Zeri Foundation Photo Archive
Fig. 9: bpk Bildagentur/ Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Photo: Hans-Peter Klut/Art Resource, N.Y.
Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino and Desiderio da Settignano, Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Fig. 2: Skulpturensammlung und Museum für byzantinische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Fig. 3: Image © Lyon MBA—Photo: Martial Couderette
Fig. 4: © Gabinetto Fotografico delle Gallerie degli Uffizi
Neri di Bicci, The Charity of Saint Nicholas of Bari
Fig. 1: Courtesy the Frick Art Reference Library
Fig. 2: Courtesy the Frick Art Reference Library
Fig. 3: Courtesy Philadelphia Museum of Art
Neri di Bicci, Virgin and Child
Fig. 1: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Fig. 2: From: Bellandi, Alfredo. “Fece di scoltura di legname e colorì”: Scultura del quattrocento in legno dipinto a Firenze. Exh. cat. Florence: Giunti, 2016., 193, no. 16
Fig. 3: Bridgeman Images
Fig. 4: From: Cavazzini, Laura, and Andrea De Marchi, eds. La collezione Giovanni Arvedi e Luciana Buschini al Museo Diocesano di Cremona. Vol. 1, Dipinti e sculture. Florence: Mandragora, 2021., 111, no.17
Fig. 5: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Photo Archive, inv. no. DPA 3221582
Fig. 6: Anabel Thomas, The Painter’s Practice in Renaissance Tuscany (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pl. 6
Stefano di Giovanni, called Sassetta, Virgin Annunciate
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 2: Bridgeman Images
Fig. 4: Archivio fotografico Musei Nazionali di Siena
Fig. 5: Scala/Art Resource, N.Y.
Fig. 6: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Hervé Lewandowski
Master of the Osservanza, Saint Anthony Abbot Tempted by the Devil in the Guise of a Woman
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Sano di Pietro, Saint Anthony Abbot Tormented by Demons
Fig. 1: Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Fig. 7: ART Collection 2/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 8: The History Collection/Alamy Stock Photo
Fig. 9: © RMN-Grand Palais/Art Resource, N.Y. Photo: Gérard Blot
Sano di Pietro, The Martyrdom of Saint Donatus
Fig. 1: Courtesy Sotheby’s
Fig. 2: © Foto LENSINI Siena
Fig. 3: Italy Mondador Portfolio/Archivio Lensini/Fabio e Andrea Lensini/Bridgeman Images
Fig. 4: Photo: Sean Pathasema
Fig. 5: Photo: Sean Pathasema
Master 185, Triptych: Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter and Jerome, Two Angels, and God the Father; Saints Francis and Ansanus with the Annunciatory Angel; Saints Bernardino and a Bishop Saint with the Virgin Annunciate
Fig. 1: Archivio fotografico Musei Nazionali di Siena
Fig. 2: Städel Musuem, Frankfurt
Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin and Child with Saints Bartholomew and Jerome
Fig. 1: Archivio fotografico Musei Nazionali di Siena
Fig. 2: Photograph © 2024 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Fig. 3: Frick Art & Historical Center
Benvenuto di Giovanni, Saint Peter Martyr
Fig. 1: Photo courtesy Yale University Art Gallery Archives
Fig. 3: © The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Will Michels
Fig. 4: Perter Horree/Alamy Stock Photo